Aleksandras Aleksejevas, PhD, 2018

Aleksandras Aleksejevas

Orthodox Iconographer, Sculptor

AG Leventis Scholar

Media- Bronze

Aleksandras’ research focuses on bronze iconography, exploring three key aspects. First, an in-depth analysis of an Old Believer, bronze icons, examining both the theological and technical nuances of individual images, along with their historical context for emergence. Second, the study of bronze iconography as a continuous artistic tradition, originating in the 6th century within the Byzantine Empire and subsequently spreading across the Christian world, remaining relevant to this day. Third, investigating the significance and role of bronze icons within the broader context of Christian iconography. His findings have significantly influenced his work as an iconographer. For instance, he skilfully translates and adapts panel icon images to bronze without altering their theological meanings. His theological knowledge, enhanced with further study at St Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute, Paris, enables him to accurately convey these meanings through the intricacies of each icon. Moreover, his proficiency in drawing, metalworking, and modelling empowers him to express Christian teachings with precision and artistry.