Cruxifiction, Catherine Lomas, Icon

Catherine Lomas


The Crucifixion
Egg tempera and 23ct gold on tulip wood
35 x 45 x 3 cm


Ordained in the Church of England since 2010, I currently serve as a parish priest in the Diocese of Peterborough. My iconographic journey began during my training for the priesthood, when I started exploring possibilities for expressing theological concepts through image as well as word. This led me to the tradition of iconography and consideration of how the Church of England might reflect its own theology more widely through this sacred art form. I painted my first icon in 2016, leading into the Icon Certificate Course in 2019. To serve the Church as an iconographer is, for me, an intrinsic part of my priesthood, as we are called to proclaim the Gospel afresh in every generation. I believe that reclaiming these ancient traditions has the potential to speak powerfully to our contemporary, visually-dominated society.

As the course comes to an end, I plan to continue this exploration of traditional and contemporary art forms, practising as both iconographer and calligrapher. I hope to serve others and encourage them in forming a deeper relationship with Christ and the saints, accepting commissions for new icons. As a priest, I welcome opportunities also to continue my ministry of speaking and leading quiet days on subjects relating to iconography and the use of liturgical art both in our churches and our individual spirituality.

Through what I offer here today, may God bless you.



Instagram @catherinemaryicons